Two boys stand in front of a reproduction of a crayfish more than twice their size. The boy to the left crouches, looking down into a window cut in floor. Recreated soil and roots are visible behind them.

Underground Adventure

Category: Exhibition

Exhibition Summary


Requires Discovery or All-Access Pass

Targeted age groups

All ages


Anchor: #shrink-to-1100th-of-your-sizeand-examine-soil-science-from-a-new-perspective

Shrink to 1/100th of your size—and examine soil science from a new perspective.

In this immersive exhibition, you’ll “shrink” to 1/100th of your actual size—smaller than a penny—to take a closer look at the soil beneath our feet.

Once you’re down to size, you’ll meet a creepy, crawly cast of characters, including a giant mole cricket and a wolf spider. You’ll learn about the diversity of life that soil supports and how every species needs soil to survive and thrive.

Curious kids take a close look at plant life.

What on earth will you see during your Underground Adventure?

Exhibition highlights:

  • Insects that dig holes and move earth
  • A protective earwig mama and her babies
  • Ants hard at work
  • Plant root systems and how they feed off the soil

It’s not just dirt—it’s the key to life!

Soil is easy to take for granted—it’s everywhere, often right beneath our feet. But it also nourishes plants like cotton, which eventually become the clothes we wear. It sustains our food sources, from fruits and vegetables to animal proteins.

Whether you’re touring the wild and exciting underground insect world or examining soil samples as a scientist, Underground Adventure shows how important this ubiquitous organic material is to human life and other organisms. It also encourages us to think about our role in preserving our ecosystems for generations to come.

A family peers into an interactive display to learn about animals domesticated by Peru’s Andean societies.

Exhibition included with membership

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