Adrienne Stroup

Collections Assistant

Gantz Family Collections Center
Science Focus

      Adrienne Stroup pursued a Masters Degree in Museum Studies, which was the perfect synergy between geology, paleontology, art and education, prior to her employment at the Field Museum. As a collections assistant in geology, she oversees the very active vertebrate paleontological collections loan program, keeping track of all specimens coming in and going out to researchers around the globe. Aside from managing loan requests, she has also created a number of artistic paleontological reconstructions (paleoart) for the Field Museum and outside organizations.

      Featured Artworks

      • Women In Art: Adrienne Stroup
      • Iguana Sized Dinosaur Cousin Discovered Antarctica (Press Release)
      • Artwork Featured in Press Release: Turtle Had No Shell First Toothless Beak (Press Release)- Vertebrate Paleontology
      • Collections Management
      • Scientific Illustration
      • Paleoart and the history of Paleoart
      • Informal Education

      Education and Work

      • MA Museum Studies & Cultural Heritage Preservation, Syracuse University, 2013
      • BA Geology, Hartwick College, 2003